Welcome to USUHS Elite Fitness, a program modeled to give you a quality workout on a tight schedule.

A different workout will be posted daily and can be completed in under one hour. If you have any questions on the workouts, talk to an expert! Don't attempt any of the exercises if you aren't familiar with the proper form!

Keep track of your progress by posting to the comments.

One team, one fight!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Saturday 7/10/10 - Sunday 7/11/10

Rest Days.

Friday 7/9/10

Bench Press 5-5-5-5-5

Post loads to comments.

Thursday 7/8/10

Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5

Post loads to comments.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wednesday 7/7/10

Conduct 10 rounds for time of:

10 Burpees
10 Squats
10 Sit-Ups

Post time to comments.

Tuesday 7/6/10

Conduct 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Rep rounds for time of the following:

Knees to Elbows

Post time to comments.

Monday 7/5/10

Using dumbbells conduct 5 rounds of the following:

5 Deadlift
5 Hang clean
5 Front squats
5 Push jerk

Rest as needed between rounds. Use as heavy a load as possible that will allow you to complete all reps and maintain form. Post loads to comments. Compare to Wednesday 5/19/10.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Saturday 7/3/10 - Sunday 7/4/10

Happy Independence Day!

Rest days.

Friday 7/2/10

Tabata sequence, 8 rounds of 20 seconds work followed by 10 seconds of rest for a total of 4 minutes, for each of the following exercises:

Push up
Sit up
Handstand Push up (sub=hold yourself static in the Handstand position for 20 seconds/rest 10 seconds)

Your score is the lowest number of reps in any given round on each exercise. Add that number for all exercises for a total.

Post score to comments.

Thursday 7/1/10

Start a running clock and conduct a pull-up every minute on the minute, sequentially building (1 pull-up the first minute, 2 the second minute, 3 the third... until you can no longer complete the pull-ups within 1 minute).

Repeat the interval with Push-Ups.

Post minutes completed to comments.

Wednesday 6/30/10

Run 1 hour for maximum distance.

Post distance to comments.