Welcome to USUHS Elite Fitness, a program modeled to give you a quality workout on a tight schedule.

A different workout will be posted daily and can be completed in under one hour. If you have any questions on the workouts, talk to an expert! Don't attempt any of the exercises if you aren't familiar with the proper form!

Keep track of your progress by posting to the comments.

One team, one fight!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hero Tribute - Wednesday 1/20/10

20 January 2007 was the 3rd deadliest day of the Iraq War. 25 Soldiers were killed across Iraq, including my best friend, 1LT Jacob Fritz, after he was abducted with four fellow Soldiers from a Combined Iraqi/US outpost where he was working. COL Brian Allgood, the head physician in Iraq at the time, was also killed when a Blackhawk was brought down outside of Baghdad killing all 12 on board.

Three years later as we focus on our daily fight with the academics of Biochemistry and Neuroanatomy, I encourage everyone to reflect on the greater purpose that we are striving to serve and remember and appreciate those that have come before us, especially those that have made the ultimate sacrifice.

We will all be called on in the future to serve alongside the Nation's greatest heroes and it is our duty to ensure that we are mentally and physically prepared for that challenge. As such, I encourage everyone to participate in a Hero Workout Tribute to honor those before us and prepare ourselves for the future fight.

The workout is called "Murph" and was the favorite workout of LT Michael Murphy, a Navy Seal, who was the first Medal of Honor recipient from Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. The workout has since been adopted by CrossFit as an official Hero Tribute workout for LT Murphy.

The Workout:

Run 1 Mile
100 Pull-Ups
200 Push-Ups
300 Squats
Run 1 Mile

The 1 Mile Runs must be conducted at the beginning and end of the workout. Pull-Ups, Push-Ups and Squats can be conducted in any order (eg. 10 sets of 10-20-30 or 20 sets of 5-10-15, etc).

Post your time and the Hero that you ran it in honor of to comments.

1LT Jacob N. Fritz - KIA - Karbala, Iraq - 20 January 2007


  1. Goal for tomorrow is 38 min. No pukie.

  2. be out there after lab.......serious hurt locker coming

  3. 29:44 (PR)

    Ran in Honor of 1LT Jacob N. Fritz

  4. 36:59 (PR First and probably only time)

  5. 41:17 (PR by 2 minutes)

    And I'm proud to be an American
    where at least I know I'm free,
    And I won't forget the men who died
    who gave that right to me,
    And I gladly stand up next to you
    and defend her still today,

    God Bless the USA

  6. How many pullups you rock in a row Mike? This paleo diet is iffy. Not sure about my energy levels.

  7. I did sets of 10. The Push-ups were the limiting factor. Yeah, i'm not sure either. It's supposed to take a few weeks to kick in though so I'm gonna stick with it.

  8. 38ish minutes. 20 sets of 5-10-15 each on the minute. I did it in the gym and had to get on the elliptical for the last "mile". Went by calorie count rather than distance for that one. The pull-ups killed me.
