Welcome to USUHS Elite Fitness, a program modeled to give you a quality workout on a tight schedule.

A different workout will be posted daily and can be completed in under one hour. If you have any questions on the workouts, talk to an expert! Don't attempt any of the exercises if you aren't familiar with the proper form!

Keep track of your progress by posting to the comments.

One team, one fight!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Tuesday 1/26/10

For Time:

5-10-15-10-5 rep rounds of the following:

Thrusters (95lb)
Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (95lb)
Wall Ball Shots (20lb ball)

Post time to comments.


  1. Where you gonna do wall ball shots?

  2. good question, i was going to sub power cleans

  3. 14:41

    This one hurt. If you are newer to these workouts scale the weight down to 65 or 75lbs.

    I did the wall ball shots w/ the 20lb black SPRI ball in the gym downstairs, aimed for the wall just below the ceiling tiles.
