Welcome to USUHS Elite Fitness, a program modeled to give you a quality workout on a tight schedule.

A different workout will be posted daily and can be completed in under one hour. If you have any questions on the workouts, talk to an expert! Don't attempt any of the exercises if you aren't familiar with the proper form!

Keep track of your progress by posting to the comments.

One team, one fight!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Monday 1/18/10

"Battle the Bear"

5 Rounds for time of the following:

7 Bear Complex (95lb) (click for demo)
5 Burpees

Rest exactly one minute between rounds.

Once you pick up the bar for each round, do not release it until you have finished all 7 sets of the bear complex. Scale the weight as needed. One bear complex consists of:

-Power Clean
-Front Squat
-Push Press
-Back Squat
-Push Press

Post time (without 1 min rest breaks) and weight used to comments.


  1. 13:28 including the rest. So 8:28 I guess. I did put the bar down. And I would be blown away if anyone does this in less that 15-20 unless you change the rules to allow them to do so Braden. Bear is NO JOKE. Good luck I almost met Mr. Pukie for the first time yesterday.

  2. 12:22 including the rest.
    8:22 without the rest.

    Used 95lb and didn't set the bar down.

    No one puked but my shoulders are juiced...

  3. 4 sets, 11.34; 95 lbs for first set, 75 lb third set. 65 lbs last set. 5 sets of burpees.

  4. 17:47

    95lb throughout, put down the bar, cutback to 5 bear complexes after 2nd round. What a monster
